Community Outreach Opportunities
Photographer: Mark Iwig of Johnston, IA
America Recycles Day
America Recycles Day, a Keep America Beautiful national initiative, is the only nationally-recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. Each year, on and in the weeks leading into Nov. 15, thousands of communities across the country participate by promoting environmental citizenship and taking action to increase and improve recycling in America.
Through America Recycles Day, Keep America Beautiful and its vast network of affiliates and partners, connects local communities to our national movement by directly engaging millions of people to recycle more and recycle right 365 days a year. America Recycles Day educates people about the importance of recycling to our economy and environmental well-being, and helps motivate occasional recyclers to become “everyday” recyclers.
Save the Date! November 15, 2020
ONE DAY to educate.
ONE DAY to motivate.
ONE DAY to make recycling bigger & better.
Get Involved
Organize an Event
Take advantage of resources provided by Keep America Beautiful and organize your own America Recycles Day event!
#BeRecycled Pledge
Join others in your community and commit to recycling by taking the “#BeRecycled” Pledge!
Want to Attend an Event?
Go to the America Recycles Day event locator to see what’s taking place in your community. Get Involved!